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Simon Heinrich Adolf Kemper Öffnen Blatt

Bruder der Vor-Vorgängerin:
Tischler Q2
* 09.04.1818 Augustdorf
† 1858 (n) Hermann, Gasconade (Missouri) (?)
Vater: Töns Heinrich Tegeler wird Kemper
Mutter: Anne Marie Wilhelmine Florentine Rehm
Herkunft: Schönemark, Nr. 11
Lebensphasen von Simon Heinrich Adolf Kemper:
1848 (g) als Tischler.
1848 Auswanderung in die, USA
1848 Ausreisehafen.
12.05.1848 Einreisehafen, New Orleans, Schiff: Olbers.
1848 angegebenes Ziel, USA
lebte in Hermann, Gasconade (Missouri)
Notizen zu Simon Heinrich Adolf Kemper:
Kopie in den Unterlagen von Herrn Willer:
In 1848 he [Simon] and three of his brothers, John, Friedrich and Christoph came to America on a sailing vessel to New Orleans. Heavy chests built for their trip are still family heirlooms. They came up the Mississippi on a steamboat, stopping for a while in St. Louis, and then on to Hermann. Each of the brothers had learned a trade in Germany. Simon, stone mason, carpenter and cabinet maker, decided to return to New Orleans where employment was plentiful.
After a few years Simon returned to Hermann bringing with him his two year old son, Henry, to the Christoph Kemper home for Johanna to take care of him. Simon helped Christoph enlarge the Kemper home four miles southwest of Hermann, using native walnut for the woodwork of the large hall and for making furniture for Kempers and the neighbors. Simon´s and Christophs´ talents are still visible in the handplaned doors and woodwork, the table, glass cupboard, beds and wardrobe. Simon also helped build several rock houses and barn in the community, his talents often in demand. He was also interested in farm equipment and to make farm work lighter he made a pattern for a riding drill to sow wheat and oats. He took this pattern to the patent office in Washington. D.C. He was not encouraged by the people who saw it but about a year later a farm machine company came out with an exact duplicate. The drill is still in the family.
Auswandererschiff: Olbers
Forscher: Dietmar_Willer
Quellen: Willer
Letzte Änderung: 18.06.2017

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Stand: 26.12.2019 11:12:32
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