Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Hempelmann

Kolon, Heiden, Nr. 63 Q1 Q2 Q10
* 18.04.1809 Lemgo
† 1857 Gasconade County, (Missouri) (Pocken), ‡ 1857 Zion Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Lippe Tal (Missouri)
Herkunft: Heiden, Nr. 63
Lebensphasen von Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Hempelmann:
1857 (g) als Kolon, Heiden, Nr. 63.
1857 (g) als Schönfärber, Heiden
1857 Auswanderung in die, USA
1857 Ausreisehafen, Bremen
18.05.1857 Einreisehafen, New York, Schiff: D H Waetjen.
1857 angegebenes Ziel, USA
Notizen / Bilder zu Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Hempelmann:
Born to Johann Anton Hempelmann and Anne Marie Henriette Kottmann in Lemgo, Lippe-Detmold, Germany, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Hempelmann married Dorothee Henriette Charlotte Clausen on 6 Aug 1837 in the St. Nicolai Evangelical Church in Lemgo. Both families were in the fabric dying business. Wilhelm was a "Schoenfaerber", a dyer working with beautiful colors.
The family moved to Heiden, Lippe-Detmold, and from there emigrated to the USA on 18 May 1857 on the ship "D.H. Waetjen" from Bremen to New Orleans, Louisiana. Shortly after arriving in the USA, Wilhelm died from smallpox. His family moved to Boulware township then to Canaan township, both in Gasconade County, Missouri.
Verdenhalven: VH1_005_0414
Auswandererschiff: D_H_Waetjen
Forscher: Dietmar_Willer
Quellen: Verdenhalven /V 414, Willer, Findagrave
Letzte Änderung: 24.04.2016
© Olaf Biere, Vahlhausen (32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg)
Stand: 26.12.2019 11:10:50
Erstellt mit dem Genealogieprogramm GFAhnen 19.0
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