Friedrich Heinrich Carl (Fredrich, Fritz) Sievert

Bauer Q1 Q5 Q2
* 18.11.1833 Bösingfeld
Vater: Friedrich Sievert (Sievert oder Harre)
Mutter: Luise Kenter (Sievert)
Herkunft: Bösingfeld, Nr. 27
Lebensphasen von Friedrich Heinrich Carl Sievert:
1861 (g) als Knecht.
1861 (g) als Bauer.
1861 Auswanderung in die, USA
1861 Ausreisehafen.
27.05.1861 Einreisehafen, New York, Schiff: Hermann.
1861 angegebenes Ziel, Missouri
1880 Volkszählung USA, Warrenton, Warren (Missouri)
1880 (g) als Müller, Warrenton, Warren (Missouri)
Notizen zu Friedrich Heinrich Carl Sievert:
Historic Sites of Warren County, S. 34: The Frederick (Fritz) Sievert mill ... was west of Warrenton, south of the Boone´s Lick Trail, in the Big Creek Valley. Mr. Sievert bought the property in 1873. The name of the previous owner is not known.The steam-powered mill ground corn and wheat into meal and flour, sawed logs into lumber, and carded wool to be spun into yarn or thread. In the early days, the mills, as well as the general stores, were places for the sociability, and it is said that while Mr. Sievert was grinding the grain for his customers, Mrs. Sievert would serve coffee for their wives.
The horse or mule-powered merry-go-round which was used at the Old Settlers´ Reunion grounds on the Pinckney Ridge Road was built by Mr. Sievert. This carousel had a music box and seats, but did not have animal seats, either moving or stationary.
Among the Fritz Sievert children was August Sievert, who built and operated Warrenton´s first electric light plant and ice plant.
Verdenhalven: VH1_006_0150
Auswandererschiff: Hermann
Forscher: Dietmar_Willer
Quellen: Verdenhalven /VI 150, Cens1880, Willer
Letzte Änderung: 22.02.2016
© Olaf Biere, Vahlhausen (32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg)
Stand: 26.12.2019 11:25:34
Erstellt mit dem Genealogieprogramm GFAhnen 19.0
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