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Frederick Ludwig Adolph (Adolphus) Wehrmann (Wehrman) Öffnen Blatt

Q5 Q10
* 01.10.1826 Lippe (?)
† 02.05.1902 Prescott, Pierce (Wisconsin)
Herkunft: Lippe
Lebensphasen von Frederick Ludwig Adolph Wehrmann:
1880 Volkszählung USA, Prescott, Pierce (Wisconsin)
Notizen zu Frederick Ludwig Adolph Wehrmann:
Pescott Journal June 28, 1861 : During the lightning storm on Saturday night, the house of A Wehrman a few rods from the Journal office was struck by lightning. The lightning pass over the rod which entered the ground but a short distance, then leaving it entered the cellar and passed up in several places to the room above breaking up the floor and over throwing and breaking the tile in the roomin which Mr. Wehrmann and wife were sleeping. Fortunately, no one was injured.
Prescott Clarion August 1, 1874: A Wehrman is building a barn
January 2, 1875: A Wehrman has cleared $600 this season from the sale of milk from 6 cows, which mostly disposed of to. This is a nice little buisness.
Forscher: Dietmar_Willer
Quellen: Cens1880, Findagrave
Letzte Änderung: 27.06.2015

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© Olaf Biere, Vahlhausen (32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg)

Stand: 26.12.2019 11:28:54
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