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Adolph Starke Öffnen Blatt

Herkunft: Lippe-Detmold
Lebensphasen von Adolph Starke:
1851 Auswanderung in die, USA
1851 New York, Schiff: Metoka.
Notizen zu Adolph Starke:
Name: Thompson, Eileen
Stadt: New Jersey
eMail: jourdan_thompson@hotmail.com
Datum: 12-02-2007, 16:02:02
My great-grandfather Adolph Starke came from Lippe-Detmold to New York in 1851 on the "Metoka". I do not see his information on your list but I am certain that many other people are very happy to find their family members recorded. Good work!
Auswandererschiff: Metoka
Forscher: Olaf_Biere
Quellen: ileen Thompson
Letzte Änderung: 29.04.2012

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© Olaf Biere, Vahlhausen (32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg)

Stand: 26.12.2019 11:25:56
Erstellt mit dem Genealogieprogramm GFAhnen 19.0

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